Thursday, October 14, 2010


There is a story recorded in the Bible about a man named Job.
The story tells us that there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord , and Satan also came among them.
The Lord is really proud of this man Job, and He brags about him to Satan.
Satan says that Job only serves The Lord because of what he gets; He's protected, blessed, healthy... who wouldn't serve the Lord for that!
So, satan states emphatically that if GOD takes away the Hedge of protection, Job would curse God to His face!!!
God agrees to take away the hedge but instructs satan to spare Job's life.
Now while all this is happening in the spirit realm, Job has NO IDEA.
He's just doing what He's always done, holding fast to his integrity, offering Sacrifices to God... I'm sure He didn't know that God had noticed him from on high. I'm sure He didn't know that God had placed a hedge of protection around him and satan couldn't touch him!
I'm sure satan was frustrated because he couldn't touch him.
Anyways, as soon as satan gets permission, he floods Job with catastrophe!
Job looses his 10 children in a tornado, Fire falls and consumes all his cattle, Sabeans raid his oxen, Chaldeans raid his camels and kill his servants... all in one day!!! I tell you, satan couldn't wait!
whoa!!! Is that what you get from being noticed by God? I mean... is it not a GOOD thing to be Faithful to the God you serve? Check it - Job didn't do anything wrong, he wasn't in that discussion and somewhere up in heaven, his fate is decided for a season.
Well, guess what Job did after he got the bad news one after the other ( in rapid succession )?
You won't believe this!

Job " arose,tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground..." (well that's expected)
"... and worshipped."
You have got to be kidding me!!!
I mean, here i am all "goody-two-shoes" and serving God and He lets this happen to me, all in one day! NO way! I'm Quitting the next minute!
Hey,wait a minute... then why exactly am i serving God? Hmm...
Why do i worship HIM? is it just some idea handed down to me by my parents or just something that "the masses" do?
Or maybe it's a gamble or a deal... that if i serve Him,then i get good stuff,else,i get bad stuff.
But if I'm worshipping for what i can get, am i a true worshipper? (John 4:21-24)and what is worship?
Now, back to the story...
Job then says " Naked i came from my mother's womb, and naked shall i return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord."
Wow! This is a profound statement. Job realized that all he had : The Cattle,Oxen, Children... everything was given to Him. I guess today, we would say: The cars, the kids, the estate and landed property, the "bling"... you name it! Everything we have has been given to us. Job NEVER claimed ownership or his right to himself.
I think that's where worship starts. It start when we recognize that we do not have anything apart from what The Lord has given us. We might want to argue and say we've worked so hard to get where we are, spent time and energy,blah,blah,blah...
The truth is, you must be alive to work and if you could pay for life, i wonder how many of us could afford it.We have all been given life! How else do you explain the birth of life; how a baby comes into the world and takes it's first breath!
Face it, no one owns life.
Now, back to the story... hmm... i think i'll break it into two parts! watch out for the 2nd part.


He restores my soul

 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my so...