THE WAY HE/SHE LOOKS: His eyes, her smile, his hands, her hair, his height, her figure e.t.c | THE WAY HE/SHE IS: His/her personality, character, temperament e.t.c |
THE WAY HE/SHE SPEAKS: A good command of any language Their voice texture, tone The wonderful accent they have e.t.c | THE WORDS HE/SHE SPEAKS: Respectful/disrespectful Pure and true or just lies e.t.c |
THE WAY HE/SHE SMELLS: Gucci, Giovanni, Dior Awful or smelly | HIS/HER DEMEANOR: The you feel around them ( appreciated, welcome or tolerated) |
Interestingly, the physical is very attractive, enticing and almost irresistible!
It blinds. But don’t get me wrong, the physical is very important in the early stages of a relationship. It’s what causes the attraction in a relationship but is not strong enough to sustain or maintain the attraction. The personality and character of the person that you are attracted to is what keeps you in the relationship.
Everything physical is temporary. It can be built upon or torn down.
Would you make amendments to this Blog today with what you know now in life?